- Kansa the cruel king, killed Devaki's children so that the 8th one would not kill him like he was told.
- Devaki became pregnant with the 8th incarnation of Vishnu.
- The gate was unlocked and Vasudev took his son (Vishnu) to the river and a serpent protected the two from the rain.
- Vasudev found Yashoda and left his son with him.
- Vasudev brought back a little girl who turned into Durga and told Kansa that his slayer will kill him when the time is right.
- Putna came to visit Yashoda and see Krishna and stole him to kill him, but Krishna ended up killing Putna instead.
- Years later Krishna caused trouble all throughout the village.
- Krishna was playing music one day and found his friends poisoned by a snake and everyone realized he was an avatar.
- He played the flute to the point that the snakes couldn't handle it and they removed the poison from the lake as they retreated.
- Time passed and Krishna defeated all the demons that came and challenged him.
Krishna - Part A. Epified.
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